Thursday, February 24, 2011

Six Time Savers

National Time Management Month is February. The eternal question, how can we accomplish everything we want to in the time we have? Managing time efficiently is definitely going to get you closer to achieving those goals. Here are six time savers to get you moving.

1. Be decisive – Make a decision and act on that decision. "Imperfect action is better that no action" according to Giovanna Garcia, life coach. Ignore those perfectionist tenancies!

2. Be organized – The average American spends 1 hour each day looking for misplaced items. Organize your space and just image what you will do with that extra 30 hours each month!

3. Create a sense of urgency – Eliminate interruptions, focus on the task and get it done.

Time savers I've blogged about before that deserve mentioning again are:

4. Setting Goals – Have daily goals, short-term goals, and long term goals.

5. Setting Priorties – Determine what activities and tasks are valuable and necessary for you and say no to those that don't fit with your goals.

6. Taking time for yourself – Moms are notorious for taking care of everyone else and forgetting about their needs. Taking time to renew your energy will make you much more effective in all your other roles.

We all have 24 hours each day. Use it to the fullest by eliminating time wasters and embracing time savers. What do you want to accomplish today?

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