Tuesday, February 16, 2010

4 Ways to Use Time Efficiently

Believe that time is going to help you do what you want.
- William Morris Hunt

February is Time Management Month. Here are some ways to make good use of your time.

  1. Say no to a task that is not necessary or fulfilling. You have a limited amount of time, so prioritize.

  2. Delegate one of your responsibilities. What is one small (or larger) but necessary task that you can hand off to a family member or colleague?
  3. Set a timer when starting a task that you tend to get very involved in and stop when the timer goes off. This prevents you from getting so wrapped up in a project that time gets away from you.
  4. Make a list of 5 things you'd like to accomplish this week. Schedule a time for each project. There may be interruptions and you may not complete all. You'll have made progress!

We've got 24 hours each day. Use that time in a way that "helps you do what you want"!

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