Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting the Laundry Done

Traditionally, best practice for getting the laundry done has been to assign a laundry day, one day designated exclusively to doing load after load of laundry. For today’s typically family that often would mean spending one weekend day taking care of laundry. Weekend time is so valuable! Who wants to spend it doing laundry?

Here is another option: Do a load or two of laundry each day. In the morning, before leaving for work, throw a load in. When you get home, put that load in the dryer and start a second load. By the end of the evening, two loads are done.

Getting children involved: have each child take their full laundry basket to the laundry room. If each child has enough clothing for a dark and a light colored load, one child’s laundry can be done in an evening and putting the clothes away is a snap, since all the clothing washed goes to one room. (Side note: use a laundry bag for each child’s socks to make sorting the socks go faster and prevent socks from disappearing inside sweaters.)

The traditional suggestion has been to have your children collect their clean clothing from the laundry room. The difficulty is, if the child doesn’t get their laundry, the laundry room gets cluttered. Another option is to put the clean clothing in a laundry basket and put it back in the child’s room for him/her to put away.

Of course, as children get old enough to do their own laundry, teaching them and allowing them to take care of their clothes is the most efficient way to take care of the laundry.

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