Monday, November 30, 2009

Hall Bookcase

Before & after pictures sometimes don’t tell the whole story. This beautiful built in bookshelf in the hallway had become a “catch-all”. The client loves books and had two large bags of books that she hadn’t been able to enjoy. The books had been sitting in bags in the corner of the kitchen. She couldn’t see what books she had so was looking forward to finding a “home” for them, where they would be easily accessible.

All the items that belong elsewhere were removed. Also, a box was filled with books to be given away. This left so much room for books; a dream come true for the client! All the books fit, with room to spare. There are actually more books on this shelf than when we started the project. There was even room for a book with beautiful pictures to be displayed opened. Each time the homeowners walk down the hall, they can enjoy the pictures, turning pages occasionally to enjoy the whole book.

That peaceful feeling the client was enjoying as I left that day is the story. That’s what made this organizing project a great success!

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