Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Desktop Organization

Desks seem to be a magnet for clutter. The top of the desk is “prime real estate”: it is your workspace. Keep the area cleared off, except for the job you’re working on. The easiest way to gain more desk space: Hang family photos and certificates on the wall.

People who like visual cues often prefer to have items used on a daily basis stored on the desktop: pens, stapler, paper clips, post its, etc. Use one desktop organizers for these often used items. Current projects can be neatly stored in a desktop file or in hanging wall files. (Wall files mean more work space.)

People who prefer to have items tucked away could use the most convenient desk drawer to store those items used daily. Use a drawer organizer so the items are sorted and easy to locate. Current projects can be stored in the front of a file drawer that you can reach easily from your chair, typically on the right for a right-handed person and on the left for a left-handed person.

First, determine which of the above methods would work for you, and then make these small changes to reclaim your workspace.

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