Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Electronics Everywhere!

How many cords, battery chargers, and remote controls are in the average household? I have no idea, but I do know that keeping track of what electronics parts go with which can be quite a task.

Labeling is the key. Those little hand held labelers are wonderful, but not necessary. Writing on a little piece of paper and attaching the paper with transparent tape can serve the same purpose.

When a new gadget comes into the home, label all the electronic pieces. This will keep the accessories from becoming electronics that no one knows what they are for, yet everyone is reluctant to throw out, because they might be important. Sort through the existing electronics and label those that you know the use of.

As for the rest of the tangled cords, are you brave enough to toss them? Gather them together and store them in a remote area of your home. When six months have gone by and you haven’t used them, it’s time to get rid of them. If you are still hesitant, give it a year. You’ve gone through every season and event. If you haven’t used the electronics by now, changes are slim to none that you will ever use it. It’s time to toss it.

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