Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family Schedules

How do you keep track of everyone’s schedules? If you have school age children, in the last few weeks your home has been flooded with important dates to remember. Add scouts/brownies, sports, and/or clubs and you’ve got schedules coming out your ears!

Get a calendar to record all these events. Use a calendar that has enough space to record all the activities your family participates in. When a notice for an event is received, mark the date with the time and any pertinent information. Use a specific color pen or highlighter to designate each family member’s activities.

Keep the notices to refer to later. You may want to have a file to keep all events notices in. Another option would be to use a binder with page protectors. Each notice can be slipped into a page protector. Divide the binder into sections, marking each family member’s name on a tab. File schedules in the appropriate person’s section for easy reference.

Keep the calendar in a convenient spot where all family members can refer to it often.

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