Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What Does Organized Mean?

Chances are that you do not live alone. And chances are that each person in the home has a different idea of what an organized space looks like. Setting guidelines that take into consideration all family members wants regarding organization makes for a win-win situation.

Shared spaces need to meet the expectations of everyone. For example: if children play in the living room, a rule may be that when done playing, the toys must be picked up and put away, OR at the end of the day, all toys must be put away.

Guidelines for the bedroom may be more flexible: bed must be made, dirty clothes go in the laundry basket, clean clothes must be put away, there must be a clear path to exits, and once a week everything must be picked up and the floor vacuumed. This allows each person to organize his/her space based on his/her wants.

Now, if the previous listed guidelines would cause stress for another family member, those guidelines are not appropriate for that home. Develop guidelines that all family members are comfortable with. Then make sure the rules are followed by having “organizing time” a part of your daily routine.

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