Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sorting, Purging & Painting

In April I posted pictures of a project, a bedroom being used for storage that needed to look like a bedroom again. (Under “Articles” in the gray box on the right side of the screen, click on “project” to see more photos.)

It took Marybeth and me seven hours to sort everything in this room into categories, and box and label everything for the move. (Marybeth was able to quickly make decisions about what to get rid of, which made the process go much faster.) The label on each box included the room the box will go to in the new home as well as the items in the box. We stored some of the items in the closet and the rest in the garage.

Finally, after removing photos taped on the wall and a few coats of paint, this room appears much larger! A few finishing touches and we'll have a bedroom!

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