Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring Cleaning

The snow has finally melted in the north and the weather is getting warmer. Now is the time to do some spring cleaning, time to clean out the house and lighten your load. Make it a treasure hunt. Go through each room in the house (including the garage) and see what you can do without.

1. Donate or have a garage sale to get rid of items that are still in good condition, but you don’t use.

2. Throw away anything that is unfixable, unusable, outdated, and taking up space.

3. Collect items that are broken.
a. Is the item worth fixing? If no, toss.
b. Will you use the item once it is fixed? If no, toss.
c. Set a date. If you don’t have the items fixed by that date, toss them.

4. Gather winter items and store them until fall (for us that live in the North).
a. Store sleds, skis, and ice fishing equipment in the rafters or attic above the garage.
c. Store winter outerwear and clothing in under-the-bed storage containers or out-of-the-way closets.

Statistics show that the average American uses only 20% of the items they own. Just think how much more space you’ll have and how much easier cleaning will be if you get rid of some of that clutter!

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