As soon as possible after arriving at home:
1. Unpack the car completely, including the trash.
2. Gather laundry baskets or large containers to use for sorting.
3. Empty all luggage, sorting the contents into containers. Suggested categories:
- Laundry
- Clean clothing
- Toiletries
- Memorabilia
4. Return the items to where they belong.
5. Return luggage to storage area.
Shortly after the vacation:
1. Replenish depleted items from your toiletry bag and store with your luggage.
2. Memorabilia: Process photos in your preferred method. Sort through memorabilia: get rid of duplicates and keep only what has significance for you. Store in a large envelope or small memorabilia box, labeled with the location of the vacation and the date.
Now that you're unpacked, you can enjoy "home sweet home" and the memories of your wonderful vacation!