Thursday, December 30, 2010

January is “GO” Month (Get Organized)

Becoming more organized is a top New Year's resolution. Just like dieting, results are less painful and more lasting if done in small increments. Don't put yourself through the torture of spending an entire weekend in the basement organizing your storage area. (To me this sounds like fun, but I'm a bit unusual in that way.)

Follow these steps for lasting change:
  1. Set a goal. "I'd like my storage area organized by this summer, so I can locate and retrieve any belonging from the area."
  2. Break the goal into small pieces. Assign yourself one manageable goal each week. "This weekend, I'll sort belongings to categories for 30 minutes." (see Organizing Basics) Or "On Monday, I will drop any donations at the collection center."
  3. Have an accountability partner. Check in with your partner. Let him/her know your goal for the week, the progress you've made, and the challenges you've encountered.
  4. Stay motivated. Focus on your big goal, picture your finished project, imagine your satisfaction, reward yourself, and continue on.

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